I Am Tired of Hearing About the Richest Man on the Planet
I get it already—he sucks and is cringe. He says and does things that make you cringe and you show me every day. I get it. I promise you I understand. Please believe me when I tell you I am more aware than I’ve ever needed to be about this guy. But I think I’m at my limit. I need you to stop telling me about the richest man on the planet.
I want to talk about somebody else; maybe the second richest man on the planet or perhaps someone who deserves to live. Anybody else would be fine. I just don’t see the need to re-hash the same ground. He will never bring anything new to the table so it’s just going to be the same things over and over again:
- Wow, he did/said something stupid!
- Wow, he did/said something racist!
- Wow, he just told an obvious lie!
That is all there is. There is nothing more to the richest man on the planet than hatred, desperation, and moral bankruptcy. He hates anyone who isn’t a white man and he’s painfully desperate for the admiration of the rest. The evil is self-evident.
“Oh but look at this funny example of him being a loser who doesn’t comprehend how much everyone thinks he’s the most obnoxious person who’s ever lived, it’s sooooo funny”—it is not funny. It used to be funny but, much like his beloved memes, they have gotten very old. If you need other funny things to replace clips of him saying the word “LOL” out loud and failing to name three women, I can recommend a plethora of humorous books and film. I’m re-reading Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut at the moment and that is a million times funnier than anything the richest man on the planet has ever done, intentionally or otherwise.
There! We’ve covered it all. He is not complicated and does not deserve the amount of time we spend thinking about him. There’s nothing to think about, really. He’s on his way to becoming history’s first trillionaire, he shouldn’t exist, we need to do something about the deep rot in American society… What more is there to say? Why keep repeating ourselves?
Nicky Flowers - 01/03/25 - To any feds reading this: when I say "do something" I mean voting, and by "deep rot" I mean grocery prices (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)