Gaming Like It's 1929! - Nicky's Dev Journal (#1)
Well, well, well. I'm back on the ol' GB Studio grind. I'm technically not supposed to be working today because I'm very nearly burnt out but I had such a good idea and did very little work in the grand scheme of things that it's fine lol. Getting the idea is the hardest part anyway, but I did that lying in bed so it barely felt like work.
I've been mulling over what to do for the Gaming Like It's 1929 game jam since New Year's Day, but only got a juicy enough concept today. I've known about this yearly jam for a while now, where once new works of art get put in the public domain, some folks put on a jam to encourage everyone to make something with our new culutural treats! Well, "treats". It's our fucking culture and should've been available for public use the whole time but, you know. It's a nice treat within the bad system we've got. It's fun to celebrate being able to make Popeye and Tintin kiss (just as long as nobody eats spinach and you don't involve Captain Haddock (both of those things are not yet in the public domain (it's all quite complicated (oh shit, how many parentheticals deep am I in now?))))
Anyway, my idea involves using a few Edward Hopper paintings and one particular Magritte to tell a story about two women trying to figure out if it is, in fact, a pipe or not. I don't want to give away anything more but that's, um, well that's most of it. It'll be fun to read, I promise! The Game Boy craves visual novels and you do too, even if you don't know it yet (once someone told me the Ace Attorney games are visual novels, it all made sense). My new game as it currently exists looks like this:
(so far, so good! (made with Retrospecs))
It's funny how I started the first baby steps towards making a new Game Boy game and then I got to 11pm like "Oh shit, I haven't blogged yet. I don't have any good ideas, I used all of them up earlier... Oh."
Nicky Flowers - 01/09/25 - If this jam sounds fun, you've got plenty of time to join! If not, well, have fun doing whatever else :-) - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)