sometimes you just have to start making shit up

Gaming Like It's 1929! - Nicky's Dev Journal (#2)

More progress made on the game today! It helped that I had other, more important things to be doing (I always get my best work done while procrastinating doing some other thing). I wrote out a rough outline of the story in Twine and then abandoned it entirely when I remembered it is way more fun to just make shit up as I go. My previous text adventure/visual novel for Game Boy was made with even less planning & time and I'm immensely proud of how that one turned out.

So, what I do now is essentially find a suitable crop of the Chop Suey painting for the scene I'm in, convert this into pixel art via a custom Retrospecs preset, and then plop some text over it in Gnu's Imp (I hate Gnu's Imp but I'm not going back to Adobe). Whatever text I put down for one screen informs the next screen. I plan on doing very little editing of the story once it's done, as I'm curious to see how it all flows out. It worked last time, why not!

I'm also exploring Themes and Ideas. I'm always doing stuff like that. Working title: "If The Pipe Is So Real, Why Do I Feel So Fake?"

(Don't wanna give too much away...)

Nicky Flowers - 01/13/25 - It's nice that game dev can be nearly as fun as playing games. That helps! - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)