i either need to get way smarter or way dumber; i'm right in the middle and where's the fun in that?

Gaming Like It's 1929! - Nicky's Dev Journal (#3)

I do not understand what I am doing. Let me explain.

I'm in GB Studio, as per usual with this project. I have a menu with two items to choose from. I have a local variable set to be True or False depending on which item is currently selected. I want the A button to go to Scene A when the variable is True and I want the A button to go to Scene B when it's False. Do I need to add a script to check the variable and then switch the button's behavior/listen for input? Or do I need to put the variable checking script inside of the button script?

Are these questions confusing to you? Good. This is how confused I feel with these "no coding" tools sometimes.

I am not a programmer; I would like to be but I'm still waiting on my degree from NASA. I don't know how programming works fully. I also don't know what I don't know. So when I have a problem I know I need to solve but no way of knowing how to go about it, I can feel a bit lost and stupid fumbling around in my no-coding-required toolbox. I would know which tool to use if I knew how to code, and in that case, I wouldn't be in this toolbox to begin with! I barely know how to put into words the problem I'd been having with this menu.

I figured it out, thankfully; I now know that I need to have the button script check for the variable instead of the variable checking script changing the destination of the button (sorry if this is still confusing lol). And I'm not even mad at GB Studio so much as I'm irritated with how much I still have yet to learn. I want to skip the part where I'm very bad at this for years because I keep getting discouraged and giving up, then returning after a few months of moping. I did that when I taught myself how to produce music when I was in middle-to-high school. Man, that took forever. It showed me I can teach myself an extremely difficult skill with no help but that it is excruciating and I'm a giant baby about it.

Why can't I just be good at everything already? It's my birthday tomorrow... and I'm wearing glasses. Come onnnnnn I should be good at everythinggg.

Nicky Flowers - 01/18/25 - I gotta get back into those C tutorials I was doing last year... - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)