dear diary :-)

My 29th Birthday: A Critical Review

I had a fantastic day today but it was so good that I'm exhausted. I love this kind of exhaustion though, the post-special-day kind. This and the exhaustion after finishing up a big project are really solid ways of being tired. My girlfriend made my birthday the opposite of the miserable day I was expecting I'd have. We watched some of her favorite movies all day and I made a baked ziti. I love her even more than I did yesterday, somehow.

One of the movies we watched was "M. Hulot's Holiday". Comedy masterpiece, a mountain of sight gags that would make Buster Keaton weep with jealousy/joy. Here's a gif of the only bad shot in the whole thing:

I was going to make a whole post about it but I'm tired and it's my birthday and that means I can stop blogging early if I want to. Here's the gif again but much faster:

I'm giving my 29th birthday 5 bags of popcorn.

Nicky Flowers - 01/19/25 - Here's to at least 29 more!!! - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)