i love to dither and my girlfriend, who i love more, is named Dot... it's all about dithering at the end of the day

Cool Pictures: I Love To Dither

The best camera is the one you have with you. Unless it's my iPhone SE 2, then it's the one you left at home. Sure, Halide is better than the default app, but I'm still always disappointed by how smugdy pictures turn out on this thing. That's partly why I'm always playing around with dithering algorithms to make the pictures a little more visually interesting. I use the Retrospecs app and have for years. Here's some recent examples, using the Apple Macintosh 512x384 mode with Atkinson dithering:

Nicky Flowers - 01/24/25 - I'm the Dithererrrr - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)