theyre callin me the next Orson. theyre callin my shit Citizen Kane 2

PURE KINO (Super 8 Adventure - #2)

It's been a while since the last update on the short film project! We shot it back in late September, waited a month and some change for the footage to come back from the lab, and then... I got too anxious to look at any of it! I had convinced myself that all of it was rotten and I had wasted all our time. There are... reasons I've not been involved in film in a long time. But if I was ever going to work through my shit—and work on this movie—I had to rip the band-aid off. Max and I had a meeting over Discord where I put a low-res file of the negatives into an FCP X timeline to do some temporary edits on and review the footage. Folks?

It's looking like a certified future Popcorn Classic already. There's only one shot that didn't turn out quite right and we've both decided to blame that one on the camera and not the operator (me). A huge pit in my stomach surrounding this project dissolved, and we managed to put together a solid rough edit in about an hour's time. Out of a little over 6 minutes shot, we are on track to use just over 4. Pretty good for a production with no script or storyboard with limited film stock!! It was fun on the shoot days to feel the movie come to us as we made it and now we get to do it again but in the metaphorical edit room. I think I prefer editing over shooting—that's *really* where you make the movie.

Nicky Flowers - 01/26/25 - Next week we start writing the script! I love making a film out of order - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)