Spider Thoughts
If I had access to a spider's thoughts, would they be scary or just incomprehensible?
Or would it just be a stream of the low-level thoughts I'm always having but not fully aware of (I'm Cold, What Was That?, I'm Hungry, What? Huh?). I'm currently watching a huge spider crawl around on my ceiling and I've never been so capitivated by its movements. I guess I never really paid attention to spiders. But I'm watching this big little guy wander around aimlessly with intent.
Why turn left instead of right? And then change your mind and go right, and then left a bit, and then fully right until a full stop for 5 seconds. Then back for more scurrying. Is there a game-plan that's been consciously committed to here or is this pure instinct, a biological program being run on a computer with eight legs? Why is it suddenly killing me not to know?
Talk to me, spider. Tell me you know what you're doing. Tell me someone has a plan.
Nicky Flowers - 02/02/25 - Really feeling a kind of way about this spider... - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)