Ambitions: Magnets
I was trying to remember the last name of someone I went to high school with and I managed to stumble on a digitized copy of my senior yearbook. A bit odd and frustrating that I had to sign up for a unfamiliar website that was hoarding some of my teenage memories because god forbid we just let people have access to data without some data in return. And of course, I had to click through a bunch of desperate attempts at upselling me on their premium services. Nostalgia is very fraught these days.
The trip down memory lane provided me with all sorts of various Hey, I Remember That Guy moments, as well as with my "senior sketch"—you know, the thing in yearbooks where you list your goals, your favorite quote, etc. I don't remember submitting one, much less writing it. But here it is:
No one ever called me Martin Van Buren and I have no idea what "Magnets" means in terms of ambition.
...I guess this is proof that I've always been like this. I'm also surprised this got printed as-is because at this point in my high school career, the faculty was so sick of my shit and not willing to put up with it lol.
Nicky Flowers - 02/04/25 - Alexis M., email me!!! - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)