thinking of other games i should take pictures in....

Cool Pictures: In-Game Photography

Yakuza 0 has been a great game to play on & off for the last year or so. I'm only now starting to finish the story part of the game because I got hooked on all the various minigames and substories. I also find myself just wandering around the cities the game takes place in. I love 3D spaces with lots of stuff to look at, even if it's not interactable. I've even started to take pictures in first person mode of scenes and subjects I think would make for great photos if I saw them in real life. If only Kamurochō & Sotenbori were real... ;P

Nicky Flowers - 02/07/25 - One of these days I'm gonna make my own 3D space to take pictures inside of. Pokémon Snap but there's no win state or Pokémon. - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)