i probably would've lied down at some point tonight anyway tbh

Music So Good You Have To Lie Down

I'm focusing on music instead of my physical pain today. I made some for myself this morning and dedicated the evening to studying up on the fundamentals of FM synthesis.

I don't have it in me to get into why (expect a larger rant soon), but the usual places I get info were not being helpful so I went straight to the source: John Chowning, the guy who discovered and developed FM synthesis. Reading his book, FM Theory and Applications: By Musicians for Musicians, made me wanna learn more about him. In an interview, he mentioned being inspired by the work of composer Karlheinz Stockhausen, particularly his work "Kontakte". I paused the interview and found a performance. Now, I'm lying down thinking about how much I love music and listening to the piece a second time, but much more closely. Lie down and listen with me. I hope you're doing well.

Nicky Flowers - 02/18/25 - The moment in the middle, around 17 minutes, is when I initially had to lie down... So good - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)