listen to the tune while you read the blog! it's easier than listening while you write, which i cannot do at all.

All Thanks to Change

I've been obsessed with this recording for a whole day now.

Take Five on the SHAKUHACHI! A 5 hole instrument absolutely not designed for jazz and ol' Yamamoto's crushing it. At one point I was just repeating the words "jazz shakuhachi" over and over in my head; the concept & phrase are both very "cellar door" to me. I am very happy to have these new sounds and ideas in my life. Not everyone is as pleased, however—take @tonyaish4268:

Sorry but I prefer the shakuhachi played as was initially intended.

Tony. Come on, man. It's perfectly fine to feel that way, but... come on. Thankfully,@root123 chimes in with some real and true wisdom:

You and all of us have come to this day thanks to change

I have been really down lately about how my car crash injuries have stuck around for so long. I had the 500th appointment about it yesterday, this time with the new pain management doctor who I was hoping would be less dismissive of my pain than the previous guy. She was so much better, but our time was only slightly more productive than any other recent appointment. There's only so much they can do for me and apparently, I'm in worse long-term shape than I thought. Scary surgeries in my potential future. I broke down crying outside the office, asking my girlfriend why this had to happen to me, it wasn't fair, I didn't deserve this, the whole litany of complaints I have.

And I certainly wouldn't have felt like this at the time if you showed me @root123's comment, but right now it gives me some comfort. Change is what brought me here. Some of the changes I've gone through I wouldn't have chosen, but all of them have led to me right now, writing this sentence. And I'm happy to be writing the next, and so on. Thank you @root123.

Nicky Flowers - 02/20/25 - I wonder what will change next... - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)