Pro-Tip: It's Better To Not Stress Yourself Out On Purpose
One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to actually commit to having those. It felt like the time to try them. One of the other ones was to blog every day, also an attempt to get better at committing to things and filling my days more productively. And it was good for a while. I like routines, even if they're nearly impossible for me to maintain. I like the idea of a solid routine, a reliable workflow for your entire life. They sound down right quaint. But the daily deadline, even if self-imposed with no big stakes, started getting stressful to maintain on top of all the other things happening in my life. I realized the handful of nights I was forcing myself to post when I just wanted to go to bed were gonna build up and eventually make me resent doing this at all, and eventually I would quit. That doesn't seem very productive!
So, to hell with that. I want to continue to like posting on my website. I want to stop stressing myself out on purpose. I'll be blogging Regular Style still, but not Daily Forever like I had hoped I could manage. I like keeping busy but I have got to get better at knowing how much to put on my plate. Maybe that should've been one of the resolutions...
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As a treat for my lovely reader (you), here's some quick 'n dirty vaporwave I made on the ol' Portastudio earlier to test out a different kind of cassette tape (I'm sticking with the RTM C60s). I sampled this track, chopped it up a bit In Ableton, recorded onto tape at one speed, and mixed down to stereo while messing with the pitch controls:
Nicky Flowers - 03/08/25 - Thank fucking christ for tapes. Tapes saved my life - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)