the internet is absolutely lousy with websites. can't go 5 minutes on the 'net without finding yourself on one of them. you're on one right now!!!

Here, Have Some Links (#1)

Some of my new blog-friends have been putting together posts full of links they've clicked on in the week and I thought "Hey. I clicked on all sorts of thing this past week. I wish I could put them all into a list on my blog. Too bad it seems completely impossible...". Turns out it's quite easy! It's just like any other blog post. Boy, am I stupid! Anyway, I hope to do this fairly regularly. Send me stuff you think I'd like and maybe it'll end up in a future list!!
● A directory of a good chunk of the cohost community! I've found a few folks' blogs I forgot to add to my RSS reader through this.
● Blog syndication by lottery! A great project from cohost legend Blackle Mori. About the project, from the about section: "Sortition social is a community RSS feed reader. Every day, a random feed is selected from our database and added to the timeline. After seven days, the feed falls off the end of the timeline and is replaced by a new one at the top. The timeline always shows the latest entries from the feeds it features."
● Okay, one last "remember cohost?" entry. Forgive me, I'm still quite sad about it. But it helps to read such nice retrospectives on the site and what it meant to others.
● Someone's gone and made an "Ethically sourced Lena picture". And dare I say it? Better than the original.
● Let's Paint TV showed up in my YouTube recommendations and it was extremely heartening to see that he's still at it. I think I first watched a clip from the show like, 15 years ago?? How is it possible for things to happen 15 years ago. What's up with that? Well, at least all my problems have gone away.
● A solar-powered ShotSpotter in the Mission District, but for hot beats instead of gunshots. I am determined to find out where this is located and get it to Shazam my own music.
● This puts the relationship between my favorite neighborhood cat and my other favorite neighborhood cat into perspective. Frienemeses to the very end, those two.
● It's important to learn history, lest you be doomed to repeat it (naming your child Diot Coke).

Okay, well I better go start finding new links to post. I'll see you all on the web!

Nicky Flowers - 10/06/24 - Hyperlinking? I'm actually quite calm about linking (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)