in a world... where websites are real... one blogger... must become a Tron guy, you know, one of the guys from Tron... Tron 3: The Real Tron 3. coming soon...

Here, Have Some Links (#2)

I like putting a link roundup together. It’s sort of like a mixtape, except it’s websites. Life is rich and full of surprises.
● I love Percolator and got obsessed with it the other day, listening on repeat. I love songs that work but you’re not consciously sure why. They just work and there’s no reason to think about it too much. So, I went looking for other Cajmere tracks—I listen to a lot of music on YouTube tbh, it’s slightly shameful but I have to be honest with you. Old internet habits die hard. It led to me finding this decade+ old Boiler Room set though, which absolutely and unequivocally fucks. I need to be listening to more house music. That is always the answer.
● This blog post from cohost legend @graham is why I love video games. You can become lords.
● You gotta know about Duce Gourson. Invest in Duce Gourson early, in my opinion. Duce Gourson’s goin’ places. Duce Gourson’s on the move. Duce Gourson’s a force to be reckoned with. Duce. Fucking. Gourson.
● “The web is the people who use it.” Repeat this mantra 50 times and then make a new website just for fun.
● Another bit of wisdom to incorporate into your consciousness now. You’re welcome, readers. And thank you, Domino Club.
● Uh-oh! Lol.
● As much as I tend to roll my eyes at Green Day, I find this pretty charming. I don’t feel like giving whoever they’ve partnered with my home address just to enter the drawing for the Game Boy cartridge but… still! Neat. It might be fun to “demaster” some of my songs.
● The whole Wordpress debacle has been a bit hard to follow but this is a good roundup of all the craziness. I have only one bit of advice for Matt Mullenweg… my guy. For the love of god, please keep posting. Posting Through It has always worked. It worked for Lowtax, it’s working for Elon, and now you can carry on the same brilliant torch. Never stop posting.
● Speaking of Automattic and hall-of-fame level posting, one of cohost’s most fascinating characters has now appeared on Tumblr. Long live Princess Nastya.
● A fantastic Neocities resource, very useful for ~power users~ like me. I like Neocities quite a bit so don’t get me wrong but less opaqueness would be nice. Gimme the stats. Baseball’s gonna be in the off-season sooner than later, I need stats to sustain me through the winter. Please… the stats…
● Ahh… yes, the stats… Mmm… yummy stats. The evolution of the lineup is fascinating, and this essay is presented so pleasingly… Baseball is good comfort food. Let’s go Mets (I’m watching Game 2 of the NCLS rn (sorry to my Dodgers fans out there, and huge sorry for rooting against Ohtani… oof…)).
● You really should check out the experimental side of my website! I’m having fun over there. I’m working on multiple adventure game-type things right now I’m excited about. As always, updates will be broadcast via RSS. I’m also thinking of including an Atom feed because why not. I’ve heard good things about it.

Anyway, take care.

Nicky Flowers - 10/14/24 - They call me Clickers McLinkrot... I beg them to stop and they say "No. We refuse to respect you, Clickers McLinkrot. You are like swine to us, Clickers." (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)