it's almos tmidnight... is yuor teen turbobllogging ?

Turboblogging—Not Even Once

I'll be honest, I'm a bit blogged out today. I woke up fairly early, got all my house chores done, did some out-and-about errands, came back home to work on my various creative endeavors, and all of this was done by noon. I had time for about an hour of going temporarily posting-insane and getting harassed on Tumblr for reacting negatively to some hateful content (long, stupid, unnecessary story). Then I blogged Normal Style once I calmed down until my girlfriend woke up later in the afternoon (she's on a strange sleep schedule at the moment).

I made an extremely many amount of posts.

I called this latter period "Turboblogging". Turboblogging: It's when you blog too much. It's fun! Except when it isn't. I'm beat. I'm besheveled (not desheveled, besheveled is a different thing altogether).

Turboblogging's a dangerous game... but someone's gotta play it.

Nicky Flowers - 11/30/24 - Yesterday, I said blue was mana. I need all the blue I can get at this point. Gimme that shit. - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)