The Atmosphere Is A Mirror
Another day of taking it so easy it almost hurts. The two things I managed to get done was some video editing for a fun little project I hope to get started tomorrow and picking up some pills for my girlfriend at the pharmacy. The second of those tasks was the one that found me inside of a Lyft. I got too tired to walk back so, even though it makes me extremely anxious on account of almost dying in one in July, I reluctantly got into the back of a car to go home.
I'm still thinking about the converstation I had with the driver. Fascinating man.
He asks how I'm doing, I say fine & mentioned how it's beginning to really feel like Christmas, what with all the holiday music playing in the store. He said "But when you go outside, it's summer!". We joke about how un-winter-y California is and then he hits me with this: "And honestly, I bet scientists know why. They like to keep their secrets, hahaha!"
Scientists know why California doesn't get cold in the winter? Well, yeah, I think I know about that too. But the way he's saying it makes it seem like there's a conspiracy. Like there's a sinister cover-up behind why it was 67 degrees today. I love this implication, so I agree with him. I love talking to people with strange beliefs.
Then he starts telling me about "the double rainbow phenomenon" and how there's "clearly more to that than they're letting on". Now we're fucking *cooking*. I ask him if he saw the one the other day after it rained for 3 days in a row and he said "Oh, I saw it. Exactly what I'm talking about, they put it alllll right out in the open." What does that even mean? I love this guy. I've never heard of anyone treating double rainbows with this much suspicion. I wish I asked for his number. I need his take on everything. I should've taken notes.
There's a beat in the conversation and he brings it right back with "Honestly, one of these days they're gonna come out and say 'The atmosphere is a mirror' and we're just gonna have to roll with that? Fuck no, man! Hahaha." Yeah. Yeah, that is what's going to happen. They are going to say that. That is what they are going to be saying.
I truly have not stopped thinking about this conversation since it happened to me. His energy was so infectious, I almost started to get whatever it is that he believes. The atmosphere is a mirror. And we're just gonna have to roll with that?
Nicky Flowers - 12/06/24 - And if it IS a mirror... then what? - (send any comments/questions to hello at nickyflowers dot com)